We are privileged you have chosen our firm to help you with this important matter. We want you to know our team is here to help you throughout this entire process from start to finish, and that means more than just being your lawyers we are your council.
We understand you may have many considerations and likely a lot of questions right now, some of them directly related to our work while others may not be. This is why we have included various links for questions about medical treatment, support groups, financial resources and more on this page.
Some of the most frequently asked questions we get can be found here.
From client testimonials to community engagement, see exactly who we are.
Medical Resources
Learn more about resources related to some common injuries.
Legal Resources
The legal system consists of several processes, here we introduce some of them to you.
Selecting a Law Firm
When selecting the law firm to handle a brain or spinal cord injury there are some important factors to consider.
Research Tools
Doing research related to your potential case or attorneys? Consider these tools to help you.
Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic Brain Injuries require specialized support, here is some general information about TBI treatment.
Spinal Cord Injury
Based on the overwhelming need our firm has seen, we sponsor SpinalCord.com, the preeminent online authority for spinal cord injuries.